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Monday 28 December 2015

New Year Club Events

Hi everyone, here's hoping your Christmas suited you - quiet or hectic, celebrated or survived.

Please note: Club afternoons will take place as usual into the New Year, with the only likely impact being finishing 30 minutes early this week.  Come along for a game or two, if only for a change of scenery (there'll probably be no subs to pay this week...)

A few events for your diary:

Thursday 14th January - 10.00am at the Leisure Centre for a couple of hours wander over Shoal Hill.  We intend to be back by midday at the very latest.  Given the way the weather's been this last 25 years (however long it's been raining...), boots or wellies are the best option; trainers at your own risk.

Thursday 4th February - Badly Dressed Badminton Club Annual Members Lunch, 12 midday at Mill Farm, Cannock.  Our first 'annual general meeting' that'll be worth coming to, if for no other reason than the carvery you've already paid for through your weekly subs.  There'll be a few formal bits & pieces to chat about, but it'll mainly be about mates & grub & something different...

Thursday 10th March - All England Open Badminton Championships (see earlier post).  Please see Neil or Terry (or email the Club) if you wish to attend so we can buy pre-match tickets before the end of January.  Your ticket will be secured by £10.50 up front deposit from you.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Koping with Kristmas

Some folk find the festive season far from fun &, in these days of financial squeeze for many, the difficulties are likely to feel even worse.  Many will be looking forward to a break from work & responsibility, spending quality family time, or just having a quiet relax.  Others however, will experience Christmas as increased stress, family tensions, & alcohol misuse.  Some will be weighed down by loneliness & isolation, loss & sadness.

Christmas can be stressful, producing, amongst others, symptoms of anxiety, irritability, & sleep difficulty.  Exercising a bit & using relaxation &/or breathing techniques will help reduce symptoms of stress & enable a bit more control coping with difficult situations.

Keep active:  don't make Christmas the be-all-&-end-all.  Do things you actually enjoy - walking, going to the cinema.  Arrange to meet someone for a coffee; drop in to the Club's badminton afternoon, be creative.

Get some exercise:  it reduces stress & the serotonin it triggers will give your mood a boost.  As simple as taking a walk!

Watch your input:  too much eating & drinking makes us lethargic; but you are going to binge a bit (you know you are) so take a couple of simple steps to promote your festive wellbeing: eat plenty of fruit & veg, it'll help you feel more energetic; keep an eye on alcohol, it's a depressant & can lead to low mood, irritability, & anger.

Stay in touch:  talk to folk who care.  Even if you can't be with them, phone, chat online, drop 'em a line.  Christmas can be a great excuse to get back in touch with someone.

Do some good:  there's a huge feeling of satisfaction to be had from helping; many charities & community groups need help; simply picking up a little shopping for a neighbour will be good for both of you.

Sleep:  patterns are easily disturbed; there is evidence of a link between sleep & wellbeing.  There are steps you can take for a better nights sleep: stick to your usual routine; drink less alcohol; some exercise; manage stress... in fact, all the tips laid out above!

Look after yourself & you'll have a good Christmas...

Big World Mental Health Day Thanks

... to all Club members, family, friends, & supporters who rallied around our walk over Cannock Chase for WMHD & allowed us to boost our funds to the tune of £405.50p.

In all honesty, it was more important to members the Club actually did something to mark WMHD 2016; 'chancing our arm' in seeking sponsorship was very much a last minute idea, & more about providing structure as we moved toward the walk.  So it was with much pleasant surprise we realised we had received very significant support for our Badminton Club & 'friendship activities'.  In an area being slowly but surely deprived of more formal social support opportunities small, local groups like ours are critical in ensuring folk with mental health concerns can be included, supported, befriended.

Again, a massive Thank You to everyone who pulled on walking boots or stuck their hands in their pockets... didn't we do well?  It was a lovely walk as well...

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Living with Schizophrenia - reality & hope

"Imagine suddenly developing an illness in which you are bombarded with voices from forces you cannot see, & stripped of your ability to understand what is real & what is not.  You discover that you cannot trust your senses, your mind plays tricks on you, & your family & friends seem part of a conspiracy to harm you.  Unless properly treated, these psychotic experiences may destroy your hopes & ambitions, make other people recoil from you, & ultimately cut your life short.  Some 220,000 people in England have such psychotic experiences - we probably all know a family who is affected, but the stigma is such that they may be keeping it a secret"  
(Prof Robin Murray, The Abandoned Illness - report by the Schizophrenia Commission)

Schizophrenia, with over 26 million people diagnosed worldwide, is the most common psychotic mental illness: 220,000 people in England are subject to a diagnosis of schizophrenia; 30%, some £2.5 billion, of our annual mental health & social care spend (but, this is being cut & more than 55% is already spent just on in-patient care); an overall cost to the nation of some £12 billion; with poor health indicators & high mortality rates, it is scandalous that those diagnosed with schizophrenia die 15-20 years younger than the general British population.  Anyone with an interest in the impact of this condition should read the Schizophrenia Commission's powerful & shaming 2011 report (or Executive Summary) which can be accessed here. This is a damning report; indicting our health, social care, & political institutions; in reality, our society as a whole.  However, the Commission offers more than a glimmer of hope, outlining achievable solutions that might yet improve the lot of folk who experience this most debilitating illness.

The National Audit of Schizophrenia (2012) provides a comprehensive picture of the quality of formal care & support received by those diagnosed with Schizophrenia in England & Wales.  Underpinning World Mental Health Day 2015, The World Federation for Mental Health published a very informative range of papers, Living with Schizophrenia, reflecting up-to-date scientific knowledge about the illness, & attempting to capture the real-life impact on individuals & families (a tad too 'medical model', but still a great starting point for improved understanding of schizophrenia).

Rethink Mental Illness & the Meridan Family Programme offer Caring for Yourself, a practical guide to inform & help those experiencing mental illness, their carers, family & friends.  Focused on developing new skills & coping strategies, the eight downloadable booklets offer tips & exercises to enhance self-care & provide 'how to' information for supporters & friends.

Many websites offer a broad range of information about Schizophrenia, causality, treatment, self help, & guidance for family & friends: Sane; Rethink Mental Illness; Mind; the Hearing Voices Network; the Royal College of PsychiatristsTime to Change, to name but a few.  There is a huge rang of information, advice, research, & personal experience relating to Schizophrenia (& other severe mental illnesses) available on the web & at your local library... so, why not do a little reading, take a little time to think, make an effort to try to understand... & always have compassion...

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Mental health concerns limit participation in sport

Research published by Mind in July showed 80% of those experiencing mental health (MH) issues do not take part in sport as they feel self-conscious & uncomfortable with their bodies' 70% said their MH simply made it too difficult to join in.  Of those who do take part, 20% do so because their GP recommended it, & 90% stay involved as it is good for their mental & physical wellbeing.  72% say they enjoy sport / exercise, but 64% worry about getting involved alone.

Paul Farmer, Mind CEO, says "Our research shows people with MH problems do want to participate in sport, however feelings of low self-confidence, exhaustion or fear of crowded spaces are preventing them from getting started.  We want more people with MH problems to be able to enjoy exercising and... better look after their physical & mental health through sport.  Our online community, Elefriends, is also a great place to find support & advice from others with MH problems who use sport & exercise to stay well."

Mike Diaper, Executive Director Community Sport, from Sport England says "The research released by Mind mirrors our own, which shows concerns over body confidence, ability, & the fear of judgement hold people back from sport & exercise.  Our 'This Girl Can' campaign seeks to liberate people from these issues so they can get healthier & more active... Sport has the power to improve the lives of people with a MH problem..."

Mind's study also showed: 
- 55% saw themselves as not 'gym body ready' & do not go attend leisure centres, sports clubs, gyms as they are embarrassed about their body size &/or shape;
- 62% wouldn't feel comfortable talking about MH concerns with other members;
- 57% who are not involved in sport or exercise say it's because they would feel uncomfortable talking about their MH to a coach / instructor;
- 33% of those who are members of leisure centres, clubs, or gyms do not want anyone to know about their MH issues.

Many of our members know exactly where these worries come from, & how difficult it can be to fight through them, & it is this real awareness underpinning the inclusiveness, support, & friendship that lies at the heart of our club.  Private business remains private, but a problem shared will never be rebuffed.  It looks like badminton, it can be just badminton, but is also very much more...  

10 minute workouts: NHS Choices

Short on time?  Hate the gym?  Too tired to exercise?  These 10-minute workouts are just what you need.
Equipment-free fitness routines that are great to do at home, & short enough to easily fit into your daily schedule.
There are six workouts each working on a different area of your fitness.  Do one of these routines daily to improve your general health & strengthen and tone different muscle groups.  The workouts can also be bolted on to regular workout sessions if you want to tone abs, legs, triceps or buttocks.
I play badminton with you lot, so I know most of us would benefit from putting down the biccies & getting up from the couch... crack on...

Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships 2016

The All England takes place from Tuesday 8th to Sunday 13th March 2016, at the Barclaycard Arena (formerly The NIA) in Birmingham...

... a number of club members want to go along & soak up some top class badz as the world's best players battle it out, not just for Championship placings but also for Olympic qualification points.  We agreed Thursday 10th as the best option - it's Second Round day, doors open 11am, matches commence 12pm & finish by 9pm.  Arena tickets for this day cost £21, but there is an agreed member subsidy.  The group will meet in Cannock, & travel to/from Birmingham by train; packed lunch/drinks are a good idea, there are plenty of refreshments available but they can be a tad pricey. 

A few of us have been before, the quality of play is breathtaking, & it really is a great day out.  Interested member? Catch up with Neil or Terry, or email the Club. 

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Badly Dressed Christmas Dinner

All I can tell you is what Neil told me...keep the evening of Tuesday December 15th free...

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Hi everyone! We are the Badly Dressed Badminton Club

... a group of friends who meet to play badminton each week in an inclusive,  supportive environment; many of us experienced emotional or psychological distress, & find mutual peer-support a valuable resource in daily life. Various permutations of club members get out & about across the week: curry night, quiz night, snooker, even the occasional walk (actually OUTSIDE!) An independent, self-funding, wellbeing group, we intend to promote ourselves locally, in a managed fashion, & very much look forward to meeting new friends.   

Some members prior to World Mental Health Day walk
