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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Koping with Kristmas

Some folk find the festive season far from fun &, in these days of financial squeeze for many, the difficulties are likely to feel even worse.  Many will be looking forward to a break from work & responsibility, spending quality family time, or just having a quiet relax.  Others however, will experience Christmas as increased stress, family tensions, & alcohol misuse.  Some will be weighed down by loneliness & isolation, loss & sadness.

Christmas can be stressful, producing, amongst others, symptoms of anxiety, irritability, & sleep difficulty.  Exercising a bit & using relaxation &/or breathing techniques will help reduce symptoms of stress & enable a bit more control coping with difficult situations.

Keep active:  don't make Christmas the be-all-&-end-all.  Do things you actually enjoy - walking, going to the cinema.  Arrange to meet someone for a coffee; drop in to the Club's badminton afternoon, be creative.

Get some exercise:  it reduces stress & the serotonin it triggers will give your mood a boost.  As simple as taking a walk!

Watch your input:  too much eating & drinking makes us lethargic; but you are going to binge a bit (you know you are) so take a couple of simple steps to promote your festive wellbeing: eat plenty of fruit & veg, it'll help you feel more energetic; keep an eye on alcohol, it's a depressant & can lead to low mood, irritability, & anger.

Stay in touch:  talk to folk who care.  Even if you can't be with them, phone, chat online, drop 'em a line.  Christmas can be a great excuse to get back in touch with someone.

Do some good:  there's a huge feeling of satisfaction to be had from helping; many charities & community groups need help; simply picking up a little shopping for a neighbour will be good for both of you.

Sleep:  patterns are easily disturbed; there is evidence of a link between sleep & wellbeing.  There are steps you can take for a better nights sleep: stick to your usual routine; drink less alcohol; some exercise; manage stress... in fact, all the tips laid out above!

Look after yourself & you'll have a good Christmas...

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