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Monday 28 December 2015

New Year Club Events

Hi everyone, here's hoping your Christmas suited you - quiet or hectic, celebrated or survived.

Please note: Club afternoons will take place as usual into the New Year, with the only likely impact being finishing 30 minutes early this week.  Come along for a game or two, if only for a change of scenery (there'll probably be no subs to pay this week...)

A few events for your diary:

Thursday 14th January - 10.00am at the Leisure Centre for a couple of hours wander over Shoal Hill.  We intend to be back by midday at the very latest.  Given the way the weather's been this last 25 years (however long it's been raining...), boots or wellies are the best option; trainers at your own risk.

Thursday 4th February - Badly Dressed Badminton Club Annual Members Lunch, 12 midday at Mill Farm, Cannock.  Our first 'annual general meeting' that'll be worth coming to, if for no other reason than the carvery you've already paid for through your weekly subs.  There'll be a few formal bits & pieces to chat about, but it'll mainly be about mates & grub & something different...

Thursday 10th March - All England Open Badminton Championships (see earlier post).  Please see Neil or Terry (or email the Club) if you wish to attend so we can buy pre-match tickets before the end of January.  Your ticket will be secured by £10.50 up front deposit from you.

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