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Thursday 17 May 2018

MHAW 2018 Walk

A beautiful May day, 8 intrepid walkers, & a slightly naughty dog named Willow meet at Cannock Leisure Centre (our badz base) to drag our ageing carcases - carcii? - up on to Cannock Chase. Actually, Rob & Linda drove up to Marquis Drive, Birches Valley, &, I believe, to Rugeley town centre to get their 5 miles in... the rest of us engaged in carcass-dragging!

Shaun was a tad grumpy - he got up late & didn't have his Ready Brek - so he tended to take point & not say a lot... to anyone... even the doggie! We gave him some water, & offered him a hat.

Neil was very happy to baby-sit Willow; especially at those times when Willow's daddy Jason, gamer & flat-cap fan, was being massively disrespectful about the behaviours & capacities of Labrador puppies. Rob S looked at the dog - quite often!  

I will think of this as our Three Towers Walk. Rhys had oddly poor mobile reception as we rested barely 50 yards from the Pye Green BT Tower.
We did our 6 miles or so, meeting Linda & Rob at the Visitor Centre; Rob was surprisingly quiet, having been run-ragged for many more miles than his comfort-zone contains. Terry had one of his minions chauffeur lunch to Marquis Drive, & we sat in the sun scarfing butties, crisps, & Club biscuits. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed having got out, active, & tired... & while I ain't too sure we did much to help counter Stress at a community level (although we did hand out a few Managing Stress booklets), when it came to managing our own, we were all effective on this day.

Take a tip from the Badly Dressed Badminton Club, & the NHS, it's hard to beat walking for health... give it a go!  

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