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Thursday 17 May 2018

Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation 2018's Mental Health Awareness Week focuses on stress. Stress underpins much of the psychological & emotional upset & distress we experience in our lives; recognising & managing stress more effectively helps us to tackle difficulties like anxiety, depression, even perhaps self-harmful behaviours & suicidal ideation.

MHF undertook an online poll of 4,619 respondents - largest UK study of stress levels. In the previous year, 74% felt so stressed as to be overwhelmed or unable to cope

30% of older people reported not having felt overwhelmed or unable to cope, as opposed to only 7% of young adults

in response to stress... 
46% reported eating too much &/or unhealthily
29% started or increased drinking alcohol
16% started or increased smoking

of adults who felt stressed in the previous year...
51% reported feeling depressed; 61% felt anxious
16% self-harmed; 32% had suicidal thoughts & feelings
37% suffered loneliness

of adults who reported feeling stressed in the previous year...
36% cited own or friend/relative's long-term illness; 44% in over-55s
22% cited debt
12% cited feeling as if they had to respond to messages instantly
49% of 18-24yr olds cited comparing self to others
36% of women cited appearance & body image; 23% in men
32% 18-24yr olds cited housing; 22% in 25-34yr olds, & only 7% in over-55s
60% 18-24yr olds cited pressure to succeed; 41% in 25-34yr olds, 17% in 45-54yr olds, & only 6% over-55s

Information & guidance on stress & it's management are readily available online; well worth a look are... 

Mental Health Foundation Stress campaign page

Mind's Mental Health Awareness Week page

NHS Moodzone

Samaritans DEAL resources - especially Coping Strategies

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