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Monday 28 December 2015

New Year Club Events

Hi everyone, here's hoping your Christmas suited you - quiet or hectic, celebrated or survived.

Please note: Club afternoons will take place as usual into the New Year, with the only likely impact being finishing 30 minutes early this week.  Come along for a game or two, if only for a change of scenery (there'll probably be no subs to pay this week...)

A few events for your diary:

Thursday 14th January - 10.00am at the Leisure Centre for a couple of hours wander over Shoal Hill.  We intend to be back by midday at the very latest.  Given the way the weather's been this last 25 years (however long it's been raining...), boots or wellies are the best option; trainers at your own risk.

Thursday 4th February - Badly Dressed Badminton Club Annual Members Lunch, 12 midday at Mill Farm, Cannock.  Our first 'annual general meeting' that'll be worth coming to, if for no other reason than the carvery you've already paid for through your weekly subs.  There'll be a few formal bits & pieces to chat about, but it'll mainly be about mates & grub & something different...

Thursday 10th March - All England Open Badminton Championships (see earlier post).  Please see Neil or Terry (or email the Club) if you wish to attend so we can buy pre-match tickets before the end of January.  Your ticket will be secured by £10.50 up front deposit from you.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Koping with Kristmas

Some folk find the festive season far from fun &, in these days of financial squeeze for many, the difficulties are likely to feel even worse.  Many will be looking forward to a break from work & responsibility, spending quality family time, or just having a quiet relax.  Others however, will experience Christmas as increased stress, family tensions, & alcohol misuse.  Some will be weighed down by loneliness & isolation, loss & sadness.

Christmas can be stressful, producing, amongst others, symptoms of anxiety, irritability, & sleep difficulty.  Exercising a bit & using relaxation &/or breathing techniques will help reduce symptoms of stress & enable a bit more control coping with difficult situations.

Keep active:  don't make Christmas the be-all-&-end-all.  Do things you actually enjoy - walking, going to the cinema.  Arrange to meet someone for a coffee; drop in to the Club's badminton afternoon, be creative.

Get some exercise:  it reduces stress & the serotonin it triggers will give your mood a boost.  As simple as taking a walk!

Watch your input:  too much eating & drinking makes us lethargic; but you are going to binge a bit (you know you are) so take a couple of simple steps to promote your festive wellbeing: eat plenty of fruit & veg, it'll help you feel more energetic; keep an eye on alcohol, it's a depressant & can lead to low mood, irritability, & anger.

Stay in touch:  talk to folk who care.  Even if you can't be with them, phone, chat online, drop 'em a line.  Christmas can be a great excuse to get back in touch with someone.

Do some good:  there's a huge feeling of satisfaction to be had from helping; many charities & community groups need help; simply picking up a little shopping for a neighbour will be good for both of you.

Sleep:  patterns are easily disturbed; there is evidence of a link between sleep & wellbeing.  There are steps you can take for a better nights sleep: stick to your usual routine; drink less alcohol; some exercise; manage stress... in fact, all the tips laid out above!

Look after yourself & you'll have a good Christmas...

Big World Mental Health Day Thanks

... to all Club members, family, friends, & supporters who rallied around our walk over Cannock Chase for WMHD & allowed us to boost our funds to the tune of £405.50p.

In all honesty, it was more important to members the Club actually did something to mark WMHD 2016; 'chancing our arm' in seeking sponsorship was very much a last minute idea, & more about providing structure as we moved toward the walk.  So it was with much pleasant surprise we realised we had received very significant support for our Badminton Club & 'friendship activities'.  In an area being slowly but surely deprived of more formal social support opportunities small, local groups like ours are critical in ensuring folk with mental health concerns can be included, supported, befriended.

Again, a massive Thank You to everyone who pulled on walking boots or stuck their hands in their pockets... didn't we do well?  It was a lovely walk as well...