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Thursday 14 January 2016

BDBC New Year Walk

A dull, damp, chill morning greets as we muster for our first stroll of 2016.  10.00 a.m. in the warmth of Cannock Leisure Centre, a 2 hour slog through the mire & slough of Shoal Hill Common & the surrounding woods beckons.  10.15 outside into a gusting wind; scything with a freezing-edge on the exposed higher spots of the walk.

Cannock Golf Course empty of folk but a maudlin dog-walker trudging a down-at-heel spaniel, yet magpie, squirrel, blackbird, & starling active, obvious.

Into the squish & splish of forest track.  Deciduous whipcrack, the soughing of pine.  Outstep the treeline to a ninja panorama - shock of the sudden!  Across pool to the Berwyns, the Wrekin, the Mynd & the Edge; cloud-topped & distant giants, policing an ordered manscape.

A breath in the teeth of the gale & the group turns for the warmth once more... but not before he takes an old-fashioned selfie... 'cos he's all alone!

I promise I will drag you stop-ins over this ground before very much longer, & you will enjoy it!  And I'll bet you'll all be at the annual club lunch next month - I do hope so!  Still, I did have a very pleasant walk though.

See you all next club afternoon.

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