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Wednesday 7 December 2016

Cannock Leisure Centre Christmas Cocks

Hi happy Badly Dressed folk, please note the Leisure Centre is closed Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th December , & for the rest of that week will open from 7am to 4pm. On Monday 2nd January the Centre is also open 7am to 4pm, with regular hours re-commencing on Tuesday 3rd.

The Club will not meet to play Tuesday 27th, otherwise it's cocks as usual. I guess there may be a social breakfast or pub option between individual members on 27th, I suggest you ram your ear against the grapevine (or ask Neil if that's easier!)

Have a good'un...

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Badly Dressed Christmas Curry

... mmmmmm! We can hardly wait for the Big Christmas Club Nosh Down: Neil will be booking a large table at the Dilshad for Tuesday 20th December, so get in touch with him to confirm your attendance asap - family & friends of members are of course welcome (again, confirm anyone who wishes to come along with Neil). 

Gotta be some of the best Festive Fare in the area... so, don't be bashful - get in touch, get it booked!

See you at the tinselly-trough...

Monday 14 November 2016

ANTI-BULLYING WEEK 2016: Online abuse & bullying hugely increase...

... in recent years kids as young as 7yrs have told ChildLine counsellors of online abuse & torment. As an adult, someone not brought up in this digital, social media age, it can be very difficult to appreciate how young people are 'locked in' to the demands & effects of mobile / internet contact: we simply had a front door, & everything that happened behind that was down to our parents... how times have changed! 

This is Anti-Bullying Week & in 2016 the NSPCC identifies online bullying as becoming the main reason youngsters contact ChildLine, with 33% calls relating to being 'picked on' via social media & gaming sites: 24/7 access & trolling is fast becoming a 'twist to the bullies knife', with children feeling they cannot escape the negative impact by simply being at home. 

NSPCC Chief Executive Peter Wanless says: “Online bullying is one of the biggest child protections challenges of this generation... a problem intensified by the ever-increasing presence of the internet. Years ago a child could escape their bullies when they left the playground and get some respite in the safety of their home, now the 24/7 nature of the internet means that a child can be targeted around the clock. Bullying, regardless of whether it occurs online or in person can have a devastating impact on a young person, affecting their self-worth, leave them feeling isolated and potentially being a trigger for depression.
In the worst case scenarios, bullying has driven children and young people to self-harm and even suicide.”
One young girl told ChildLine she woke scared to go to school everyday, about the comments people made & about walking home: “Then I get in & log on to my social networking site & there are horrible messages everywhere... It’s like there is no escaping the bullies. I’m struggling to cope with how upset I feel so sometimes I cut myself just to have a release but it’s not enough. I can’t go on like this.”

Simon Leggett, research director, ChildWise, says: “Over the last 5 years, children’s access to internet-connected portable devices has increased rapidly, along with wider access to the internet out & about & in their own rooms. Their use of social media has likewise increased, exposing them to more potential online dangers.”

There is some very useful information on the NSPCC website about Bullying & Cyber-bullying. Indeed, they have launched a youtube video aimed at helping kids help friends they suspect are being bullied.

Nick Harrop, Campaigns Manager, YoungMinds, says: “Because of social media, young people feel under pressure to live their lives in public, to present a personal ‘brand’ from a young age, & seek reassurance in the form of likes & shares. Trolling & cyberbullying have also become a fact of life for many, & can have a devastating effect on self-esteem... But it’s important to remember the online world also offers huge emotional benefits, & many young people with mental health conditions see social media as an essential way to reach out for support.”
The advice for children & young people experiencing bullying includes:
  • Tell an adult you can trust; a parent, relative, or teacher
  • Call ChildLine for advice & support on 0800 1111
  • If online, don’t be afraid to block & report any person you feel might be bullying you
  • Don’t react, show bullies you don’t care (even if you do) & they will often get bored & lose interest
NSPCC’s Childline website has an area dedicated to online abuse / bullying for young folk to share experiences & give support to their peers through message boards.
Children & young people can contact ChildLine for free, confidential support & advice, 24 hours a day on 0800 1111 or at

Friday 11 November 2016

Badly Dressed Christmas Lunch

Booked it, all you lot gotta do is turn up & eat it...
Thursday 8th December, midday, Taylors
(talk to Neil or Terry if you haven't confirmed)

Christmas is coming... be afraid... be very afraid!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Peer Support Hijacked?

Check out this most interesting read:  Peer Support as an Agent of Liberation

World Mental Health Day walk

... we actually walked on Thursday 13th, however, we were worldly & striving to optimise our mental health - together!

We were few, just 7 walkers & 2 supporters, as a number of members dropped out last minute due to family caring responsibilities. It started a dreich day, but as we left Cannock Leisure Centre & crossed the golf course a breeze cleared & the sun came out & everyone cheered.

It was muddy & sucky underfoot as we trolled through Cavan's Wood, not helped by a brambly undergrowth that has thickly developed in the last couple of years as the wood is less used. Paths were blocked & skin got scratched... we even had to backtrack, which got Terry all grumpy! Never especially difficult mind...

Enjoying the fantastic western views across Huntington, many miles to the Wrekin & Wenlock Edge - did Jason's death-defying (he got dizzy & almost fell) panoramic photo come out well? - we got to the telecom tower. But, no Rob or Linda, who were to meet us for the next leg. Turns out they'd set off early, got to Marquis Drive Visitor Centre, & rang to let us know as they scarfed down bacon butties!

In a fine addition to our endeavours, Gill & Ade had 'offered themselves' (is that right Ade?) as a mobile support team; Gill providing warmth, tea, & scran in a well-appointed but dinky mobile shed (not big enough to call mobile home); Ade being an historically knowledgeable taxi service.

The wind picked up as we walked through the remains of Brindley Village & down the Valley. It's an interesting corner of Cannock Chase, the western edge of the Fives colliery & a Great War military hospital site that, in 1924, devolved to West Cannock Colliery Company who upgraded the huts for use by miners & their families. Brindley Village was a thriving community for some 30 years, having it's own shop, school, club, even 'cinema'. Many folk from the village worked at RAF Hednesford, which provided basic training to many thousands of National Servicemen up to 1955.   

The weather continued to grey & blow & chill; Rhys, seemingly dressed for a summer social & recently back from Cyprus, did well to avoid hypothermia, so we took to the woods for the last mile or so. In the Visitor Centre carpark, we found an enclave of warm & wonderful - the pervasive scent of cooking bacon, the clink of a teacup... smiles returned to the faces of the intrepid five (especially Neil, who love the bacon!)

We'd had the best of the day; enjoyed a good stretch of the legs; been warmly hosted with tea & well-earned bacon sarnies; could look forward to being taxied back to civilisation... it is most important we do not lose sight of the ideas that drive WMHD 2016: 

Dignity in Mental Health - Psychological & Mental Health First Aid For All  

Tuesday 27 September 2016

World Mental Health Day: Badly Dressed Sponsored Walk

We're going on a Bear Hunt!

No, we're not. We are however going on our annual mental health walk in support of World Mental Health Day 2016.

Setting off from Cannock Leisure Centre on the morning of Thursday 13th October, we'll be walking across Cannock Park golf course, crossing the Stafford Road at The White Lion, through Cavan's Wood & Belt Wood to the Pye Green tower. From the tower we'll make our way to Cannock Chase Visitor Centre at Marquis Drive, to scarf down a packed lunch & have a nice rest. Some folk'll be making their way onwards to Hednesford bus station; the most intrepid (& showy-offy) may close the circle by walking back to Cannock Leisure Centre.

The route is structured so folk may do any or all of the walk, allowing us to include the full range of capacities & motivations. Some members will be seeking sponsorship for their efforts, monies collected will be added to Club funds to help pay for badminton, tennis, & other sports equipment; such monies may also be used in extending our activities & expanding our Club. So don't be mean if one of us waves a sponsor sheet at you...

We had a great day, with fine weather, last year & have our fingers crossed for another cracker. If you want to come along, have a word with Neil or Linda. If you can't make it, sponsor some poor hoofer...

Saturday 30 April 2016

Mindfulness vs Antidepressants

Mindfulness is found to be as effective as antidepressants in helping folk manage their mood 'difficulties' - but given antidepressants seem to be little better than placebo in lifting mood, that ain't a great stretch. 

This seems to sell 'mindfulness based cognitive therapy' (MBCT) as a panacea for ill-being; just as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) was 'debased' & lost credibility when rolled out as a cheap catch-all for all mental health issues.

There are many things we can do ourselves to promote mindfulness without spending money on a personal mindfulness guru - & the Buddhist idea of living in the moment continues to be a great human aspiration in & of itself. As Buddha said:

Every morning we are born again;
what we do today is what matters most.

Packham & mental health

Wildlife presenter Chris Packham lays it on the line about depression, suicidal ideation, & Aspberger's syndrome...

... good man Chris. Thanks for your openness & best of luck...

Balls, balls, balls... 2

Well, bowls actually - of the 10 pin kind.

The Club's 'big day out' in April was down the MFA Bowl in Bloxwich; a strenuous afternoon of wrist action, rolling & grunt for BDBC boys & girls.

Yet again a Club day started with Neil having a cooked breakfast in the Copper Kettle, Cannock (we believe that was his 5th this week, & it was only Wednesday!). Some other greedy types joined him in the wolfing-down of various fried flesh-products & other wind promoting materials. Then we six piled on the No. 1 bus to destiny!!

Orienteering skills are demanded in uncovering the whereabouts of the MFA Bowl. Although but a few hundred yards from the main drag in Bloxwich, it's 'round the back, then come back on yourself', & initial impressions don't bode well: from the outside it looks like a garage, & inside the carpets are sticky. However - & this is really important - the staff are extremely welcoming & helpful, & the place does some great activity deals; in this case, an afternoon's bowling for £5 per person... we paid.. we played... although not too well...

For the best part of four hours we were chucking those great, clodding balls down the lane - with no real idea as to what we were doing! Neil kicked our asses in Game 1, but failed to live up to his early promise; although Chris effervesced all afternoon in praise of Neil's physical prowess. Mind you, Chris adopted the 'toddler method' by pretty much throwing the bowling ball down the lane from his cupped palm; it wasn't always very effective, but the colouring book & crayons helped him manage the tantrums. Game 2 went to Rob who was balletic, if erratic, in his bowling style (certainly in comparison to his badminton 'shapes', which can be frightening yet successful). Whilst all this was going on, Linda was consistently knocking down one single pin with every first ball - performance art at it's best. Straight, curved, wobbly-wobbly... it didn't matter, consistent (almost magical) single pins & moaning, so much moaning! Game 3 brought Rhys to the fore. He bowled, he toiled - Strike! He strove some more - Strike! The magnificence of the double strike spurred him on to shoot for glory; he focused energy, eye, muscle... two balls, no pins... sagebrush drifted across the lane.. you could have heard a pin drop - but none did!  Terry won that one.

By this time we was all knackered; throbbing wrists, aching shoulders, bruised pride! We, none of us, seemed the stuff of bowling champions. However, we all had a very good time in a nice, if dowdy, environment, we'd learned how to bowl & what scores meant, & were agreed we'd come again (perhaps regularly). Game 4 we was flaggin', & after 6 frames we was done in! It was exhausting manhandling & rolling big balls: Rob was ahead when we quit & legged it for the bus home, & deserved the crown for the day! 

The low point was Rob's tortilla chips with cajun sauce (which, once cold, tasted of soiled nappy), ahead of freezing wind & rain-splat as we walked to & waited for the bus home: 170 buses numbered 301 & 302 ,to Mossley & Lower Farm respectively, came along before the No. 1 turned up to take us to Cannock - it was so bitterly cold. Terry was perplexed by a single jigsaw piece resting alone on the Harrison Road pavement & spent a long while pondering it's significance: he opined it reflected the reality of existential insecurity inherent in the modern western human condition - Rob & Neil found many more pieces outside one of the charity shops! Linda said 'Hoho'. Rhys said 'Hurry up, I've another bus to catch after this one!' Chris was trying to keep warm...

All in all, we had great time, & would heartily recommend the MFA Bowl for a pleasant afternoon out. Three games seems optimal for occasional bowlers; don't rush; have a decent brekkie; enjoy a laid back afternoon. We all reckoned we'll have quite a few more Club members turn up at May's event - lunch on the 18th or 25th (watch this space)... 

Balls, balls, balls...

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Depression kills: so why are people not getting better NHS care?

An interesting & insightful reflection by Linda Gask, Emeritus Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry, University of Manchester, on the limitations of the uniformity offered (& demanded) by today's CBT driven, short-term mental health 'interventions'... 

... check out article

At a time when rates of depression are again on the rise, & consequently the cost to the economy, surely the government & NHS have the wit to broaden the offer made to folk who experience more complex, intransigent mental health difficulties.

Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline  
0808 800 2234 

116 123

Sunday 13 March 2016

All England Open Finals Results - 'cos Rob had such a busy day watching & texting & feeding his man crush (Dan crush)

Lin Dan 21-9, 21-10

Matsutomo & Takahashi 21-10, 21-12

Jordan & Susanto 21-12, 21-17

Nozomi Okuhara 21-11. 16-21, 21-19

Ivanov & Sozonov 21-23, 21-18, 21-16

Saturday 12 March 2016

All England Badminton Open Finals - just for Rob

To be played tomorrow, Sunday 13th March 2016, from midday...

Men's Singles:
Lin Dan (China) 
Houwei Tian (China)

Women's Doubles:
Misaki Matsutomo & Ayaka Takahashi (Jpn) 
Yuenting Tang & Yang Yu (China)

Mixed Doubles:
Praveen Jordan & Debby Susanto (Indonesia) 
Joachim Fischer Nielsen & Christinna Pedersen (Denmark)

Women's Singles:
Nozomi Okuhara (Japan) 
Shixian Wang (China) 

Men's Doubles:
Vladimir Ivanov & Ivan Sozonov (Russia) 
Hiroyuki Eido & Kenichi Hayakawa (Japan)

All England Badminton Open Big Day Out

Well, didn't the boys have a great day in Birmingham soaking up top-flight racquet sport on Thursday? They most certainly did, after they'd wrapped'emselves around an early morning full-English breakfast at the Merchant in Cannock. Somehow, club secretary Linda inveigled her way into the grub part of the day, although she was never going to spend 8 hours watching badminton (her choo-choo ride to Brum led to an afternoon around the shops!)

The two Robs, Neil, & Terry finally got to the Barclaycard Arena &, after a lovely pat-down by pleasant security personnel, settled in for a days fun. Rob L's man-crush Lin Dan played second game Court 1 against Japan's Sho Sasaki. The Chinese 5th seed was ill-at-ease in the first game, & Sasaki saw him off 20-22. But Dan eased into his stride with each stroke, & his vast experience saw him coast through to the quarter finals 21-6, 21-8.

Mid afternoon saw the start of an all Japaness tussle in women's doubles, with Matsuo & Naito taking on Naoko Fukuman & Kurumi Yonao. These lasses seemed to be playing pretty much all afternoon; it ain't a great tactic to return the shuttle to the centre of the court 75% of the time. Their three sets took 102 minutes to complete, with Fukuman & Yonao coming out on top 10-21, 21-15, 21-17. Not the best badminton, but mesmeric in sheer physicality & long rallies. 

There was a whole load of the 'weak lemon drink' & packed lunch stuff that goes along with a nerds day out - people, it was badminton, all day! However, there were also elements of true beauty, the most wondrous being Neil's watching out for Rob L by bringing extra drink & food; it was as though he was nurturing a teeny-weeny fledgling with a poorly wing.   

We watched a fantastic game with Olympic Bronze medallist Saina Nehwal taking on Thailand's Busanan Ongbumrungphan. Currently world number 2, the Indian was strong & decisive, indeed imperious, in her 21-16, 21-9 defeat of Busanan. It was easy to see why she was the first Indian woman to become world number one; watch her efforts in Rio this summer. 

Chris & Gabby Adcock strolled through their game against the Korean pairing of Kim & Shin; they looked very strong contenders for the later stages of the tournament & were the only British players in the Second Round. 

However, a world badminton event & element of the Olympic qualification process for top-flight players provides great spectacle & enjoyment regardless of allegiance. UK television usually shows men's singles & games in which Brits are represented, so it was good to see the strengths & differences between the various disciplines. We will be arranging another Big Badz Day Out in 2017.

After all the excitement, it was a route-march to New Street for an overcrowded, late commuter train back to Cannock, followed by a good few pints at the Mill Farm. When we agreed our badminton skills had improved (by some kind of osmosis) & we could hold our own against any of those prancing ninnies we deigned to watch earlier, we called it a night & staggered happily home!

Sunday 7 February 2016

Inaugural BDBC Lunch

Okay, okay... it was last Wednesday, but I've been away!

Anyway, we did have a lovely afternoon with nine members managing to get along to the Mill Farm.  

The food was good, the company excellent: Gavin & Terry were greedy pigs opting for the large carvery of 3 meats, sausage, steak & kidney pie + all the veg that could be crammed on the platter.  Gavin somehow managed to wrestle down a treacle sponge, once he'd seen the loveliness sat in front of Jim & Neil: he said it was part of his pre-season cricket preparation.  But the high point was the chocolate fudge cake ordered by Jason & Linda; with ice cream, it turned out to be pretty much a whole side of black forest gateau - 'twas the equivalent of some 3 free range chocolate fudge cakes - they ended up sharing them around the table & still couldn't get'em finished; even with Chris giving it a manful try!  The Roberts were being very good boys indeed, & chose but a small cheesecake & doing without respectively - you'll just have to guess!

It was a great change, & we will be doing something similar as we move into summer.  To members that didn't manage to come along, remember you've already paid so get your diaries out!

Next up: Yonex All England Open - Thursday 10th March 
                - members may still obtain a subsidised ticket via Neil / Terry   

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Club Anniversary Lunch - arrangement alteration

Members please note:

Our Annual Club Lunch will take place one day early, on Wednesday 3rd February at the same time & venue (12 midday at the Mill Farm)... don't forget, you've already paid!

Look forward to seeing many of you there next week.

Saturday 16 January 2016

6 Nations fixtures 2016

Here comes the world's greatest annual rugby tournament...

Saturday 6th February:     2.25pm  France v Italy     4.50pm  Scotland v England

Sunday 7th:     3.00pm  Ireland v Wales

Saturday 13th:     2.25pm  France v Ireland     4.50pm  Wales v Scotland

Sunday 14th:     2.00pm  Italy v England

Friday 26th:     8.05pm  Wales v France

Saturday 27th:     2.25  Italy v Scotland     4.50pm  England v Ireland     

Saturday 12th March:     1.30pm  Ireland v Italy     4.00pm  England v France

Sunday 13th:     3.00pm  Scotland v France

Saturday 19th:     2.30pm  Wales v Italy     5.00pm  Ireland v Scotland     8.00pm  France v England

... come on you egg chasers!

Thursday 14 January 2016

BDBC New Year Walk

A dull, damp, chill morning greets as we muster for our first stroll of 2016.  10.00 a.m. in the warmth of Cannock Leisure Centre, a 2 hour slog through the mire & slough of Shoal Hill Common & the surrounding woods beckons.  10.15 outside into a gusting wind; scything with a freezing-edge on the exposed higher spots of the walk.

Cannock Golf Course empty of folk but a maudlin dog-walker trudging a down-at-heel spaniel, yet magpie, squirrel, blackbird, & starling active, obvious.

Into the squish & splish of forest track.  Deciduous whipcrack, the soughing of pine.  Outstep the treeline to a ninja panorama - shock of the sudden!  Across pool to the Berwyns, the Wrekin, the Mynd & the Edge; cloud-topped & distant giants, policing an ordered manscape.

A breath in the teeth of the gale & the group turns for the warmth once more... but not before he takes an old-fashioned selfie... 'cos he's all alone!

I promise I will drag you stop-ins over this ground before very much longer, & you will enjoy it!  And I'll bet you'll all be at the annual club lunch next month - I do hope so!  Still, I did have a very pleasant walk though.

See you all next club afternoon.

Monday 4 January 2016

Cannock Chase Council: free Christmas tree chipping

Cannock, Hednesford, & Ravenhill Parks play host to Cannock Chase Council personnel & their big chippers between 9.00am - 3.00pm from Tuesday 5th to Sunday 24th January (including weekends), & get your undecorated Christmas tree shredded for free.  

Cannock:  Leisure Centre car park
Hednesford:  bottom end of park (by contractors units)
Ravenhill:  corner of car park (by recycling bins)

Take a bag if you want your chippings; chippings will be made generally available to residents later: Cannock 11th, 18th, 25th; Hednesford 15th, 22nd, 25/26th; Ravenhill 13th, 20th, 25th.

It's a great idea: it encourages recycling; bought woodbark is expensive; the shreddings have a range of uses in the garden... use the service!