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Friday 21 September 2018

Black Country Living Museum... almost!

Spitting in Cannock; raining in Birmingham; tipping down in Tipton - & Rob ate his lunch baguette before he got to the station! 

We ran away - discretion being the better part of valour (& some of the guys thought they might shrink!)

We got wet in Brum.  Shaun & Neil bought matching shirts, as Rob got a tad moaney! 

 The high point of the day may have been the choccie bar whilst waiting at New Street station.

We got wet when we got back to Cannock!

All in all, not too bad a day...

Monday 3 September 2018


A lovely wander around Brum... after a lovely full English at the Merchant.  We did an awful lot of walking - to the point we almost lost Rob (cardiac!), but we did see an awful lot of the city.

The highlight for most of us, simply because we hadn't been there before, was the Library of Birmingham.  A magnificent building, with great work & social spaces, but most specially with a couple of gardens in the sky, offering fantastic views over the city skyline.


And, of course, no wander around Birmingham would be complete without a trot along the towpath to Gas Street Basin.