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Friday 14 July 2017

Nature can improve one's mental health & wellbeing

I know... it ain't a new idea.  But it is worth reiterating relatively simple, low cost options we might adapt to our own circumstances & have a positive impact on our sense of wellbeing.

Nice article by ecotherapist Hayley Gillard in HuffPost UK here.

Black Country Living Museum

Well, what a lovely day out, away on the train to Tipton & the Black Country Living Museum.  Sadly, a couple of folk had to cry off because of knackered knees, but we had a small, beautifully crafted group of badly dressed blokes...

It started not too well, our timings meant no cooked breakfast before we went to Cannock station - & Neil really missed his 4 slices of toast & jam!  Well priced off peak return to Tipton, nice journey (change at New Street), then a brisk mile walk along busy Black Country roads to the museum.

I would urge you to go - especially if you travel by train & use the 2-for-1 offer available until the end of 2017 (check out this & similar offers here - download & print vouchers, present'em at the venue with your rail tickets) - the Museum is entertaining & informative.  I'd go back simply to look at the buildings...

There was an awful lot to see, but plenty of space & time to see it.  Shaun was somewhat 'challenged' by the demands of the smoking 'ban', & we really should have sat down a lot more (if only to shut Terry up moaning about his own knackered knee, & stop him wandering off every 10 minutes or so!)

Still, plenty of added extras, such as the historical vehicles dotted about the various buildings & driving around the site - we never did get on that coach - & I still want a go on their trams (have to check the BCLM website for dates).


Lunch proved a bit of a running affair.  We'd no sooner got there than Neil was all about the butties - missing his morning toast, you see?  Shaun had brought enough to feed the lot of us - & proceeded to try (the 'fish & chip' corn snacks went down especially well).  Jim shot off for a bag of historical chips: Rob & Terry followed his lead: lo & behold, there was more sharing!

With the guy forging chain, the living history staff, & the standing exhibitions, there was so much information we decided to spring for their most informative guide (we're mean & just bought the one, to share around...)

The gardens of the small cottages & houses were often little oases of calm & quiet &, on a lovely summers day out, might lead you to believe that outside plumbing, coal fires, incessant domestic drudgery, & a lifetime of hard, filthy work, before an early death, are the sorts of outcomes we should aspire to after Brexit - they ain't! 

One final thought: how come the Midlands, in the middle of the country, miles from the sea, has so many sea cadet groups?  The kids at TS Centaur (Dudley) even have Bofors guns... & look, proper davits!

The journey home was a bit of a mare, delayed trains, increasing numbers of delayed commuters, Terry moaning more... Rob had been sensible enough to bring a book!  Back into Cannock for 7.00pm, an hour+ late, tired, hungry, thirsty.  But, having enjoyed a fine excursion, we all agreed we'll do it again!  Maybe take the other 'knackered knee folk' with us.

Welcome back. It's been a while...

... but that doesn't mean the Club & it's members haven't been socially active & engaged.  Badminton continues to take place every Tuesday at Cannock leisure centre - none of us seem to be getting hugely more skillful, but we remain enthusiastic!  The Club has maintained it's monthly 'more formal' social event, while members, in varying permutations, get together with 'non-racquet sport' mates for curries & breakfasts, quizzes & snooker, across each week.

We remain encouraging of potential new members getting in touch to arrange a pop-in visit & introduction.

We are finding maintaining our social media presence a tad difficult (notice the gap since the last post), but will try harder to get more folk involved in that element of Club activity.

So, what specifically have we been up to?  A whole bunch o'stuff... 

January:  we plodded along with all that extra Christmas heft, basically using all our efforts just to play badz each week - I ain't saying there weren't a good few curries downed over the month, but I only had one!

February:  the Annual BDBC Lunch - we love a carvery & an afternoon's blether!

March:  along to the All England Open Championships in Birmingham, on a rather balmy spring day, with stunning 2nd round play.


... this is just for Rob, who didn't make it to the All England, but might need to feed his Lin Dan mancrush

April:  guess which Badminton Club went out for lunch & stuffed their faces with mixed meats & massive puddings?

May:  a little out of our comfort zone this month, as 7 members piled into a taxi for the 16 mile journey to RAF Museum Cosford.  Another grand day out, especially for The Two Robs our aerospace wonks.  Surprisingly enough, a wee motorcycle seemed to be the group's favourite exhibit.

June:  'twas total balls this month... an afternoon's 10 pin bowling in Bloxwich.  There's a whole heap of room for improvement - Gav has great hand-eye co-ordination but gets a tad too excited, while Shaun began with a serious first game win, then went on to win the Not-a-single-pin-down Trophy.  Good fun though...


You'll be hearing from us again, very soon.  So, watch this space...